If you’re a chronic procrastinator, you may have had colleagues encourage you to just “eat the frog.” This popular productivity technique involves getting your largest and most critical tasks done first. Rather than putting off an important project or meeting until it becomes looming and stressful, you roll up your sleeves and tackle the difficult things first.
According to a post on the Timeular blog, when you eat the frog, you can beat procrastination, feel less overwhelmed and knock out much more of the important stuff. In this issue of PromoPro Daily, we share highlight some of the top reasons you may want to add this method to your productivity arsenal.
It helps you overcome distractions. We all get sidetracked sometimes. These distractions may be external, like someone dropping into your office or pinging you on Slack, or internal, like constantly checking your email or scrolling Instagram. When you decide to eat the frog, you prioritize the tasks that bring you closer to achieving your goals, the post says.
You can set your own agenda. By deciding to eat the frog, you put your agenda ahead of any requests that may spring up. The post notes that most people tend to sit down and check their email first thing in the morning. Before they know it, they’re giving their time and attention to what other people need them to do. Instead, eat the frog and first do what’s most important on your to-do list.
It allows you to focus on less. When you eat the frog, you’re forced to focus on less at a time instead of multitasking, the post says. This can help reduce your stress and allow you to make meaningful progress each day. Plus, when you experience a win first thing in the morning, you’ll end up feeling much better in your workday.
It helps you use your morning hours. Most people have the highest energy and willpower first thing in the morning. The post says when you eat the frog, you ensure you’re using your best hours to do your most mentally taxing work. You can tend to the less important tasks throughout the rest of your day.
It’s simple to eat the frog. You can try other time management and productivity methods, the post says, but many of them are much more complex. That’s not the case when you eat the frog. This is a super simple and super effective process that anyone can use at any time.
Eating the frog is one of the best ways to supercharge your productivity. When you knock out your most challenging or critical tasks first, you can relieve a lot of stress in the long run.
Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: The Timeular blog. Timeular is a time-tracking software for businesses.