Deb Lerner
Senior Vice President of Sales
Axis Promotions, New York, New York
Number of direct reports: 2
Nominated by: Kylie Fitzgerald and Dana Cappabianca

Nominators Dana Cappabianca (left) and Kylie Fitzgerald say their boss, Deb Lerner (Center), is a friend and a mentor.
Deb’s cool factor: She does not micromanage others and is always open to new ideas.
“Axis Promotions has been my work home for almost 14 years,” says Deb Lerner proudly. Prior to that, she worked for distributor CYRK but in an earlier life before promotional products, she was in restaurant management. It was fertile training ground to learn about managing people. While majoring in hotel/restaurant management in college, she was hired as a restaurant manager trainee while waiting tables and tending bar at Houlihan’s, a restaurant chain with a location at Faneuil Hall in Boston. She was responsible for the front of the house which included hiring the wait staff of 40 (“They were called waitrons,” she says). Because the management team would switch responsibilities, she also frequently managed the bartenders and the door men (“My favorite group,” she laughs).
Lerner has made a lasting impression on her team at Axis by truly caring about them. “Since day one she has made me feel comfortable working here,” says nominator Kylie Fitzgerald, branding associate. “She is my biggest cheerleader and is constantly motivating the team to go out there and work harder to grow our business. She has taught me so much about this crazy business—Not only about products, but how to grow relationships and to treat all people with respect.”
Her colleague, Dana Cappabianca, who also nominated Lerner for the honor, agrees. “Deb Lerner is a wonderful person. She has a huge heart and has taught me so much about business and personal relationships. She is a friend, a great mentor and then a boss. I respect and value her opinion and appreciate all I have learned from her,” she says.
One-On-One With Deb Lerner
Most important lesson learned as a boss:
Not being “the boss” is the important lesson for me. Yes, I always own final responsibility, but I am part of the team. My team allows me to use my strengths, and I encourage them to build their own. We really help each other accomplish the tasks at hand. Also, I feel it is important that Dana and Kylie know that I always have their backs and their best interests at heart!
Philosophy for successfully managing people:
My philosophy in life is also my work philosophy. “Don’t mess with my family, my friends or my money.” My team is all three.
To create a positive team culture:
Unfortunately, I have experienced great loss of loved ones in the past two years. My feeling now, more than ever, is if it ain’t a body part, it’s all good! Drama and negative energy are just a waste of time. Let’s keep it real, prioritize our tasks and try not to overthink too much.
Best advice for other people managers:
Every team lead has his or her own style. I described what works for me. Axis Promotions has great people and that’s what makes us special. On my team, we work hard, we play with enthusiasm, we laugh a lot and I am full of surprises.
Best boss ever:
He’s also a close friend today—Hank Miller, my boss when I worked at Houlihan’s in 1979.
Hank knew he was on the fast track with the company. Delegating was his best skill, and his second-best skill was recognizing a good team and taking the team with him whenever possible. I’ve built my team according to the principles I learned from Hank.