Sandy Poster
Sales Lead/Account Executive
Axis Promotions, New York, New York
Number of direct reports: 2
Nominated by: Susan Paredes and Meghan Albohn

Sandy Poster (left) enjoys time outside the office with her direct reports Meghan Albohn and Susan Paredes.
Sandy’s cool factor: “When we go to meetings together she doesn’t refer to me as her assistant or support staff,” says nominator Susan Paredes. “She tells clients I’m her colleague or her ‘other half.’ Both of our initials are SP and so she’ll say, ‘We’re the same person.’ I think that’s pretty cool and makes me feel like I’m an asset to her team and not just her assistant.”
Sandy Poster recently celebrated her 11th year at distributor Axis Promotions but started her career in the garment industry as a buyer, then moved to the sales side of the business. Her final position in that industry was in the handbag market where she was responsible for sales/product development for Target, Kohl’s and May Company stores, now part of Macy’s.
Perhaps it’s her experience in the whirlwind garment industry that has helped her to learn to keep calm and carry on. It’s a quality both of her nominators greatly admire. “No matter the situation, Sandy always remains calm,” says nominator Meghan Albohn, who has reported to Poster for the past year, and calls her a great teacher and mentor. “Even in her moments of stress, she remains more calm than I ever could. I admire that about her, and hope to one day learn her ways.”
Paredes, who has reported to Poster for nine years, is likewise appreciative of her boss’s unruffled demeanor. “It makes talking to her about tough projects easy—I know she won’t scold or micromanage me,” she says. The pair also look up to their boss to set examples they can follow to improve their own business aptitude. “Her communications skills with clients are a learning experience and so are her sales pitches,” says Paredes. “She knows how to work a crowd and is able to ask the right questions to find solutions or connections with people. I admire the way she builds relationships and re-connects with relationships she’s had in the past. Not only is she my work mom but I consider her a friend.”
One-On-One With Sandy Poster
Most important lesson learned as a boss:
I am always learning and trying to improve our team balance, communication and growth. My latest lesson, which I try to practice every day and improve, is to listen.
Philosophy for successfully managing people:
R-E-S-P-E-C-T, constant training and fun.
To create a positive team culture:
Lead by example. I like to start each day in a positive manner. It’s as simple as saying ‘hello’ and ‘good morning’ with a smile. I also try to set an example by sharing the same work ethic and respect for my team as I do for our vendors and clients.
Additionally, I am very involved in the ongoing development of the Axis culture and our core values program. I urge my team to follow their passions at Axis. We are a company where, after due diligence and demonstrated commitment, employees can create new initiatives, programs, one-time events, etc. I urge my team to get involved and take on responsibilities in areas where they feel comfortable and have interest.
Best advice for other people managers:
I am only as good as my team, our office and our company. Without complete understanding of this, and mutual respect, I could not have built the business I have. I am grateful every day for Susan, Meghan, our Rye Brook [New York] team and everyone at Axis.
Best boss ever:
My best boss is my current boss, Larry Cohen [president of Axis Promotions]. I have always worked best forging my own path. At Axis we each have our own sales team. I know Larry is available for me when needed and will supply guidance when requested. He has a very calm manner which is helpful when stressful situations arise as they often do in this industry.