Promo pros and sales leaders often juggle many responsibilities, from setting challenging targets to nurturing client relationships to overseeing team performance. It’s a demanding role that can sometimes feel overwhelming — especially when dealing with team conflicts and client concerns.

Renowned leadership coach Lolly Daskal says that leaders will always face problems that require their attention, and it’s their ability to solve those problems that set them apart. In her work as an executive leadership coach, Daskal has encountered leaders who excel at solving problems. She says these leaders approach challenges with a structured collaborative process that engages the entire team.

How can you uncover speedy solutions that get to the heart of the issue? Read on. We share Daskal’s guidance in this issue of PromoPro Daily.

Understand the underlying causes. Get to the bottom of why the problem occurred. Ask questions and analyze your findings. The idea, Daskal says, is to look beyond surface symptoms to understand the true nature of the issue. This approach allows you to address the fundamental factors contributing to the problem instead of just treating the symptoms.

Brainstorm solutions. Once you know a problem’s root causes, you can begin to explore solutions. Daskal says the best leaders encourage creativity, welcome diverse ideas and make sure everyone feels heard and valued. When you involve your sales reps in the solution-finding process, you can tap into a wealth of knowledge and expertise, increasing the likelihood of finding the best possible solution. 

Find a solution and commit to it. Work with your team to think through the pros and cons of each solution. Then, choose the one that best addresses the problem. Daskal says this decisive action demonstrates your confidence in the chosen course of action and helps align your team’s efforts toward a common goal.

Implement the solution. Effective leaders take action. This means they develop a plan, allocate resources, and monitor progress, Daskal says. By taking a hands-on approach to implementation, you show your commitment to seeing the solution through. You also inspire your team to follow your lead.

When problems arise, it can help to address them with a structured approach. The most effective leaders know how to navigate problems and reach resolutions swiftly so their organization keeps moving forward. The next time you’re facing a challenging situation, try applying some of the ideas above. 

Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Lolly Daskal is the founder of Lead From Within, a global leadership and consulting firm. She’s one of the world’s most sought-after leadership coaches.