Your sales reps might be overwhelmed with the sheer amount of technology they have to learn and manage in their jobs. As workplaces continue to adjust to the pandemic by encouraging more remote work, employees must quickly get up to speed on various apps, platforms, and tools. While these various tech tools can ultimately help streamline work and create collaborative and productive teams, they can also lead to stress and overwhelm—especially when sales reps are not familiar with how to use them.

James daSilva, editor of SmartBrief’s leadership newsletter and blog content, says that managers can help their teams adjust by considering a few important questions. Keep reading this issue of Promotional Consultant Today for daSilva’s suggestions on how to help your sales reps manage technology overload.

How has your team’s typical day changed? The workday probably looks vastly different than it did earlier this year. Your sales reps may not have a commute to clear their minds at the end of the day. They may miss the casual office chit-chat and the impromptu happy hour gatherings. And instead of conference room meetings, your team may hop on a video call to share updates. According to daSilva, these changes are psychologically significant. Zoom fatigue is real. It can also be mentally draining needing to send a Slack message rather than walk over to someone’s desk. Check in with your sales reps to learn how their day is different now.

What are people struggling with? With the switch to part-time or full-time remote work, your sales reps may not fully understand the new technology they must use on their own. To discover pain points, daSilva recommends checking on whether training is available and how technology has changed job roles and functions. For example, do your employees feel comfortable messaging you on Slack when they used to pop into your office with a question?

What kind of communication do you require? Technology can help your team collaborate, but when your sales reps must tackle multiple tools and platforms to keep everyone updated, it can feel overwhelming. If someone on your team is going to be out, how many places must they update the team? Is setting an “out of office” message on email enough, or do you need your team to update on various apps as well?

Do your employees have the bandwidth? Your sales reps might not have the bandwidth to do their jobs—literally. With more children at home doing virtual learning and neighbors at home more often, people are online heavily. Your employees may not have the bandwidth to stream endless video calls and stay online throughout the day. Check in and see how you might be able to help.

Tech tools can be a powerful way to unite dispersed teams and keep everyone on the same page. Make sure you check in with your sales reps regularly to gauge their comfort with using new apps or platforms. When you get their feedback, take action on what you learn. By helping your team become more comfortable with technology, you enable them to do their jobs better.

Compiled by Audrey Sellers

Source: James daSilva is the longtime editor of SmartBrief’s leadership newsletter and blog content.