In today’s 24/7, always-on world, it’s easy to see what everyone else is doing. You can see their awards, promotions, vacations and all the details of their daily lives with a simple scroll on social media. When you spend time observing the lives of people you may or may not know, you might start feeling less than great about yourself.
Natalie Fisher, a certified career mindset coach, says that when you compare yourself to others, you often end up stifling your career. Comparing yourself to colleagues, for example, can leave you feeling discouraged that you didn’t get the promotion or land the big account. The good news is that you can take several concrete steps to stop the comparison game and start growing your sales career.
In this issue of Promotional Consultant Today, we share Fisher’s four simple steps to focus on your career rather than keeping up with everyone else.
1. Recount your successes. If you often compare yourself to others and wonder why you aren’t farther along in your career, take a moment to reflect on all you have accomplished. Fisher suggests making a list of your wins and experiences as well as the people in your life who support you. She says that when you take stock of your successes, you will start to see more possibility, more opportunity and more options for yourself. When you reflect on the positive things in your life every day, your brain will get in the habit of focusing on what you have and less on what you do not have. Eventually, you will stop comparing yourself to others.
2. Remind yourself that everyone has challenges. Your mind might trick you into thinking that someone’s life is amazing, but even the most successful athletes, celebrities and businesspeople experience setbacks and struggles. The more you can remind yourself that they are human just like you, the more you will be able to stop comparing yourself to them. Fisher adds that oftentimes you only see the highlight reel of someone’s life—not the whole story. Try to keep that in perspective.
3. Think of your career like a road trip. When you are on a road trip, some cars pass you by while others stay behind you. They make little difference to you. You’re in your lane, listening to music and enjoying the ride. Fisher encourages professionals to imagine their career is a road trip—they’ll get to where they’re going regardless of others who are on the road with them. Everyone reaches their destination in their own respective times.
4. Develop a personal plan. Fisher says it can be helpful to create a master plan that outlines how you will get to where you want to go. This helps your mind focus on your own journey—not someone else’s. Think of creating your career plan as mapping a route on your GPS. You can always recalibrate along the way.
Whether you are envious of a colleague’s quick wit or solid rapport-building skills, it doesn’t help to compare yourself to them. Instead, celebrate your wins and remember that everyone goes through difficulties. There will always be someone further ahead in their career. The trick is to learn to focus on your career and the unique value you bring.
Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Natalie Fisher is a certified career mindset coach who helps professionals get into six-figure roles by guiding them through their unique challenges using proven mindset and strategy tools. She hosts the podcast, “Get a Six Figure Job You Love.”