Every sales professional has a tough month every now and then. Even the most experienced pros strike out sometimes. If you’ve had a particularly challenging month or quarter, you might find it difficult to psych yourself up. You may worry you’ll come up short again or you’ll put in the work only to hear another “let me think about it.”
Try to remember that every setback is preparing you for a comeback. Writer Pablo Panades says that with the proper approach, anyone with the will to try again can make another go of it, and once you get going, you won’t even think twice.
In this issue of PromoPro Daily, we share Panades’ top tips for getting your sales motivation spark back when you’ve had a difficult month.
- Don’t dwell on the past. Instead, focus on what lies ahead. Opportunities are out there, so be open to exploring them.
- Control what you can control. You can choose every day whether you will put in the effort. You could try your best and fail, Panades says, but without trying your best, you have a nearly 0% chance of succeeding.
- Know your why. What inspired you to work in the promo industry? Panades recommends keeping those reasons in mind when you’re short on motivation.
- Do what excites you. Some people get energized by going for a run or listening to their favorite music. Think about what charges you up and do it. Don’t ignore this part of the process, Panades says, because it works.
- Take care of yourself. This means making sure you’re getting proper rest, eating healthfully and exercising every day – even if it’s just a 20-minute walk at lunch. When you take care of your physical and mental health, Panades says you are better equipped to handle the stresses of a sales job.
- Remember your successes. After a tough month, you may want to focus on your failures. Instead, recall your past achievements. Panades says this reminds you that you have the capability to succeed.
- Treat yourself after an accomplishment. A large commission check is great, but if you’re feeling demoralized, you may need a pick-me-up in the meantime. After you book a client, Panades recommends rewarding yourself with something like a special lunch.
- Mix things up. According to Panades, changing things up can be helpful. It may seem insignificant, but even changing the way you drive to work can reboot your brain and help give you a fresh start.
- Think about what you tell yourself. Look at the big picture. Careers are long, and a bad month or quarter doesn’t define your potential. Be mindful about how you think about your current situation, Panades says. Thoughts become actions, so make sure your thoughts are helpful ones.
While you can’t control what prospects will decide, you can control your attitude and behaviors. Try some of the ideas above, from reflecting on your wins to switching things up, to get back in the game.
Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Pablo Panades is a SaaS marketer and contributor to the Dooly blog. Dooly is a sales enablement platform.