Being recognized by your boss is a great thing, but being recognized by your peers can be a real gamechanger. When a co-worker celebrates your hard work and achievements, it can transform the workplace culture. You may begin to feel more valued and part of a supportive promo team. Getting a shout-out from co-workers can also feel more relevant since they see your daily efforts up close.

Susmita Sarma, a contributor to the Vantage Circle blog, says most employees (90%) report feeling happier when they receive value-based acknowledgement from their colleagues. That’s not the only benefit of prioritizing peer-to-peer recognition. In this issue of PromoPro Daily, we share Sarma’s 5 reasons why leaders should move beyond top-down recognition and encourage employees to recognize each other more often. 

  • It leads to innovation. Sarma points out research that shows that teams with a strong peer recognition culture create 1.5 times more creative ideas. When employees openly acknowledge their co-workers’ unique ideas, you can build a more creative culture.
  • It promotes skill development. When staff members acknowledge their colleagues for their contributions, Sarma says it boosts morale and encourages them to continue investing in their personal and professional growth. Hearing kind words from a co-worker can be just the boost someone needs to take their skills to the next level.
  • It enhances psychological safety at work. Employees should feel safe to innovate and take risks. They shouldn’t fear making mistakes. By encouraging more peer-to-peer recognition, you can strengthen employee connections and create the kind of environment where people trust each other and want to collaborate.
  • It leads to healthy competition. Peer-to-peer recognition can also foster a culture of fun competition. When team members observe their peers celebrated for their hard work and achievements, they often feel inspired to raise their own performance, Sarma says. This dynamic encourages a more engaged workforce, where individuals are motivated to contribute their best efforts consistently.
  • It can aid in conflict resolution. Did one of your team members effectively mediate a disagreement during a sales meeting? Acknowledge them for their job well done. Sarma says the recognition validates the importance of constructive conflict resolution techniques and inspires employees to emulate similar behaviors.

Think about how you can incorporate more peer-to-peer recognition within your team. Not only does it boost morale in the moment, but it can be the key to a more motivated and cohesive team. 

Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Susmita Sarma is a digital marketer at Vantage Circle. She also hosts the Vantage Influencers podcast, where she engages with global HR leaders to uncover critical industry insights.