Setting goals is about defining what you want to achieve in the future. Tracking wins is about celebrating the progress you make along the way. Both are important — especially when you work in sales. Tracking your wins, whether it’s hitting a target, getting positive client feedback or closing a deal, can keep you motivated and focused. It also shows what strategies work, proving that you’re on the right path.
JiJi Lee, a writer who contributes to the Ink + Volt blog, says that if you want to stay on top of your goals, you have to start tracking your wins. This means making it a habit to reflect on what you accomplish, acknowledging your big victories and small achievements.
In this issue of PromoPro Daily, we share her thoughts on tracking your wins along with some ideas on how to do it.
You can combat limiting beliefs. Hearing “no” in sales can bring you down, but tracking your wins can build you back up. When you regularly acknowledge the good work you do every day, Lee says you can shift your mindset.
You can see your progress. It takes time to reach big goals. To keep your motivation high, track your wins along the journey. You’ll see that you’re making headway, which can inspire you to keep going.
You can develop your promo career. Make a note of all your achievements — big and small — throughout the year. This way you’ll be prepared for your next performance review.
You’ll build confidence. The next time you have an important meeting with a client or a manager, or if you’re trying to combat feelings of imposter syndrome, Lee recommends looking at your past wins to help build confidence and the reassurance that you deserve to be in that room.
How To Track Your Wins
Keep a compliments folder. When a client emails you some words of appreciation, keep them in a kudos folder. Read through these emails the next you need a pick-me-up or an extra boost of motivation.
Open your promo planner. Lee says if you want to reach a specific goal, track your progress in a planner. At the end of the day or week, make a note of how many cold calls you made or prospecting emails you sent. Over time, you’ll see how much progress you’ve made.
Relish your big wins. Lee advises taking time to celebrate your big accomplishments. You worked hard and should savor the victory. Think about what you learned and how you can apply that knowledge into your next big project.
Celebrate your small wins. Even if they seem like routine activities, they can still seem overwhelming. For you, maybe it’s updating your CRM or sending follow-up emails. When you get those tasks done, count them as wins. They add up, Lee says.
Update your boss with a weekly email. Don’t stay quiet about your accomplishments — let your boss know about them. Lee says a weekly email can convey your wins in a subtle but effective way.
Tracking your wins helps you see how far you’ve come and recognize the progress you’re making. Whether you keep an email folder of compliments, regularly update your boss on your achievements or celebrate a win with a fun night out, be intentional about recognizing all the successes you’ve achieved. It can make a huge difference in your motivation and transform the way you pursue your goals.
Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: JiJi Lee is a contributor to the Ink + Volt blog.
Ink + Volt is a lifestyle brand that helps people achieve personal and professional success.