Supplier Starline USA (PPAI 112719), headquartered in Grand Island, New York, has entered into a partnership with backpack and outdoor gear brand JanSport.
“Starline has brought many outstanding brands into the fold and we’ve had tremendous success,” says Starline Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing Brian Porter. “JanSport has stood apart as one of the most iconic brands in retail for the past 50 years, from its inception as an outdoor/adventure brand, to becoming the go-to backpack for multiple generations. They are long overdue to join the promotional marketplace and we are ecstatic to be the company they’ve chosen to do so.”
JanSport was originally founded by three friends and outdoor enthusiasts based in Washington state. Together they used their collection of talents and shared passion for the outdoors to create products that could withstand the difficult conditions of outdoor adventures on nearby Mount Rainier. Students from the University of Washington discovered JanSport hiking packs and started using them to keep their books dry in the rain. The company then began to tailor their line to include products suited for the demands of everyday life.