Girl Scout cookies hold a special place in America’s hearts—and taste buds. Sometimes it’s impossible to pass up those scrumptious Girl Scout S’mores, Caramel deLites, Samoas, Peanut Butter Patties and Tagalongs. A box rarely lasts for more than a week in most households. But for one Colorado Girl Scout, sheer flavor wasn’t enough to entice buyers. Charlotte Holmberg, a fifth-grader from Highlands Ranch, had a different plan—one that involved the burly Jason Momoa of Aquaman. In a strategic marketing effort, Holmberg and her mother revamped the packaging, referring to Samoas as “Momoas”—a spin on the actor’s last name—and replaced the original box graphic with a shirtless image of tattooed Momoa. Let’s just say that Holmberg sold out of all 35 boxes she created and continued on with her cookie selling as usual. (Holmberg was named the Top Cookie CEO of her troop, a title designated for the Girl Scout who sold the most cookies.)
Some critics expressed disapproval of the redesign on social media, but more applauded the efforts of Holmberg and her mother for taking a household staple and transforming the packaging to increase sales. The classic Girl Scout cookie boxes are already strategically designed, with colorful packaging and information about the Girl Scout Cookie Program. Holmberg’s idea follows other Girl Scouts’ creative efforts to sell the annual treat. One Girl Scout set up shop outside of a marijuana dispensary in San Diego, California, and sold out of all boxes in under an hour, while another marketed hers by creating a kid-friendly remix to Money by rapper Cardi B, which earned approval from Cardi herself. These Girl Scouts’ efforts show that even fan favorites can benefit from strategic marketing.
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