The Promotional Products Education Foundation (PPEF), the industry’s nonprofit founded to recognize and encourage scholastic excellence and academic performance among promotional products industry employees and their college-aged children, has selected its 2020 officers. The officers will serve a one-year term, taking office immediately following the PPEF board meeting at The PPAI Expo 2020.
The incoming officers are:
Chair: Dana Porter, MAS, SAGE
Immediate Past Chair: Brian Porter, Starline USA
Chair Elect: Carrie Pitre, MAS, The Magnet Group
Vice Chair – Strategic Planning & Budget: Matt Bertram, Fields Manufacturing
Vice Chair – Marketing & Recognition: Eileen Lynch, BIC Graphic
Vice Chair – Scholarship: David Grobisen, Polyconcept North America
Vice Chair – Fundraising: Christopher Duffy, MAS, Ariel Premium
PPEF’s officers are members of its 18-member Board of Trustees. The trustees are volunteers from the promotional products industry and serve three-year terms.
Funded by PPAI and generous donations from companies and individuals within the promotional products industry, the PPEF scholarship program enables youth and professionals to continue their education at the collegiate level. The Association and industry patrons have a long-standing commitment of service to the promotional products industry, and this fund supports those who demonstrate the same commitment.