
The incoming PPEF officers include (top row, from left) Chair Lori Bauer; Immediate Past Chair Pat Dugan, MAS; and Chair Elect Wayne Greenberg, MAS; (bottom row, from left) Vice Chair – Fundraising Paula Shulman, CAS; Vice Chair – Scholarships Brian Porter; and Vice Chair – Marketing & Recognition Stephanie Preston. Not shown, Vice Chair – Strategic Planning & Budget Drew Davis, MAS.

The Promotional Products Education Foundation (PPEF) has named its 2017 officers. They will serve a one-year term, taking office immediately following the PPEF’s meeting at The PPAI Expo 2017.

The incoming officers are:

Chair: Lori Bauer, BIC Graphic

Immediate Past Chair: Pat Dugan, MAS, Budgetcard

Chair Elect: Wayne Greenberg, MAS, JB of Florida/A Division of Geiger

Vice Chair – Fundraising: Paula Shulman, CAS, Prime Resources Corp.

Vice Chair – Strategic Planning & Budget: Drew Davis, MAS, Specialty Incentives

Vice Chair – Scholarships: Brian Porter, ProTowels, Kanata and Superior Decorating

Vice Chair – Marketing & Recognition: Stephanie Preston, HALO Branded Solutions

PPEF’s officers are members of its 18-member Board of Trustees. The trustees are volunteers from the promotional products industry and serve three-year terms.