PPAI launched its twice-weekly PromoPolls in mid-2020 to gauge member opinions on a wide variety of industry and business topics. The poll, included in every issue of PPB Newslink and on the PPAI Media website, provides an anecdotal snapshot of insights on key issues. 

Recent findings show:

  • Thirty-five percent of respondents say they are working about the same number of hours now than before the pandemic began, but 26 percent are working substantially more hours. Ten percent are working slightly more or substantially fewer hours, while 16 percent are working slightly fewer hours. 

  • Twenty-six percent have replaced an in-person event with a virtual event this year—including employee, client and industry-related events, while 57 percent have not replaced any live events with virtual alternatives. Nine percent have replaced just a client event or just an industry-related event.
  • Asked about their preference for a holiday gift from a client or vendor, 29 percent chose a food gift or a gift for their home, and 14 percent chose an item for their workplace, an apparel item or an item for on-the-go travel. No one indicated a preference for personal items. 
  • In budgeting revenue for 2021, 60 percent are planning to be up slightly compared to 2020 and 20 percent are planning to up significantly. Only 10 percent are budgeting for revenue to be strongly down in comparison to 2020 and 10 percent don’t know yet.
  • As far as year-end employee rewards and recognition plans go, 33 percent are planning to give a physical gift, 17 percent are planning to give a year-end bonus or a bonus and gift but no event, and eight percent are planning a live or virtual holiday event, an event plus a bonus or an event plus a physical gift. No respondents indicated they are planning an event, plus a bonus and gift but eight percent say they aren’t planning any of these rewards.
  • The top method for lessening stress and anxiety is to take a walk, say 43 percent of respondents. Twenty-two percent exercise, 13 percent listen to calming music, nine percent take deep breaths and four percent meditate. Nine percent don’t do any of these.

To learn more about the polls’ findings, participate in the latest polls and see how industry peers have responded to other topical questions, visit pubs.ppai.org/polls. Suggest questions to be considered for future polls by emailing TinaF@ppai.org.


Danielle Renda is associate editor of PPB.