Today’s AI tools are growing increasingly sophisticated. They can be incredibly helpful at taking care of the more mundane aspects of a sales job, leaving more time for salespeople to focus on building relationships and connecting with people in authentic ways.
George Donovan, the chief revenue officer for Allego, says AI-driven sales tech is emerging as a practical answer for many of the challenges facing sales leaders, trainers, managers, coaches and sales enablement pros.
Want some practical guidance on how to take advantage of AI? Read on. In this issue of PromoPro Daily, we share Donovan’s ideas on how sales teams can prepare for the technological revolution of AI.
Know your “why.” This can help your team find greater clarity and change the way your business operates, Donovan says. This is important because a mental reset is necessary when it comes to AI. Some salespeople worry that AI is a way for management to keep tabs on them. Others fear that AI will take their job. The way to address these thoughts, Donovan says, is to clearly communicate why AI can be helpful.
Focus on data. To create a path for your team to use AI, Donovan says it’s important to foster a data-driven mindset. Data should be embedded into your core business functions from the top down. He recommends being clear about the metrics you want your team to measure. You can then report on and start meetings by reviewing metrics as a team as part of a larger conversation of deals in progress.
Check in on your sales tech. The business of sales is rapidly changing. It’s crucial that you use the right platforms to keep up. Today’s sales enablement platforms use AI to scale coaching, make content recommendations and drive learning and knowledge retention, Donovan says. He suggests conducting an audit of your current sales tools to get a holistic view of the capabilities you have in-house.
Invest in training. One of AI’s most powerful benefits, Donovan says, is the ability to generate next best actions based on call performance. But you and your team must be set up for success with training to fully leverage these. AI works best when it applies a consistent set of rules around how reps should articulate your core positioning, messaging and differentiation.
Leveraging the power of AI can lead to quicker lead identification, increased lead volume, improved close rates, and many other benefits. But for your team to reap these benefits, you must first accept and then embrace AI. Use the tips above to help your sales team maintain a competitive edge with AI.
Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: George Donovan is the chief revenue officer for Allego. He has more than 20 years of sales, marketing, operations and management experience.