Hanes has announced the start of its annual sock drive and has committed to donating 200,000 pairs of socks to help America’s homeless and those in need. The drive has led to the donation of more than 1.5 million pairs since 2009. The socks will be distributed to Salvation Army community centers across the country.
“The comfort of a new pair of socks can mean the world to someone in need,” says Sidney Falken, Hanes chief branding officer. “Through our donation, we want to get more socks in the hands of those who need them, but also inspire Americans to take action. With the upcoming holiday season, we want to remind people of the power that a small gift—even one pair of socks—can hold.”
Lt. Col. Ron Busroe, The Salvation Army’s national community relations and development secretary, says, “The impact that a donation of this size has on our centers is immeasurable. The donation is about more than just the physical socks—for some of the people we serve, receiving something as simple as a clean pair of socks can have a positive effect on their overall well-being.”
Socks are the most needed, but least donated, article of clothing at homeless shelters, and The Salvation Army will provide socks at its programs around the country that serve those in need. For more information on the importance of socks and on participating in Hanes’ sock drive, visit Hanes.com/HanesForGood.