Showing compassion is always important, but perhaps even more so during the pandemic. Just like your sales reps have been through various physical, social and emotional challenges in the past several months, your clients have also experienced difficulties. Every act of kindness and compassion counts.
If you are wondering how you can serve your clients in a more compassionate way, read on. In this issue of Promotional Consultant Today, we share tips from Tony Kays, president of small and medium business sales at Salesforce, on how sales teams can show care and compassion.
1. Aim to help rather than sell. Many businesses are trying to figure out what their future looks like. Talk to your sales reps about checking in with their clients simply to lend an ear. If a client has an urgent business need that translates to a sale, that’s great, says Kays. However, the top priority is showing that you are there for your clients in their time of need. Approach your conversations with the intent to build long-term relationships rather than close a deal.
2. Get a feel for your clients’ situation. To serve your clients in the most meaningful way, it’s important to ask questions about what’s going on with their business. For example, are they remaining stable or are they looking to grow? When you have a better understanding of where they are coming from, your sales team can extend the help your clients need most. Kays points out that a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic is often a catalyst for change. Talk to your clients about potential opportunities, including practicing new safety protocols and using technology more frequently.
3. Take care of your team. While it’s noble to want to help your clients, you should also be sure to take care of yourself and your team. When thinking about how you lead and care for your sales reps, Kays suggests considering how you focus on communication, transparency and controlling what you can. He says his team started podcast-style interviews where sales leaders share personal stories. Leaders on his team also encourage time off.
4. Look for ways to foster community. Another way to demonstrate more compassion in your sales efforts is to reimagine how you get in front of clients. Kays notes that most people crave a sense of community these days since they may not get out of their homes often. Think about ways you can host online events to start discussions with your clients. This could be something fun like a virtual wine-tasting event or a roundtable discussion.
5. Be flexible with finances when you can. When it comes to your clients’ finances, flexibility goes a long way, says Kays. Adding some flexibility by offering more lenient options or a wider array of payment plans is a meaningful way to sell with compassion. Kays recommends talking with your clients to learn more about their financial situation. Don’t be afraid to brainstorm some pricing strategies to help give your clients a needed boost.
Compassion is a vital sales skill that is worth developing as businesses navigate the months ahead. There are many ways to work compassion into your sales strategy, from offering more flexibility on payments to taking time to simply talk through challenges. When you remember to put people before profit, you can make a difference and help your clients keep moving forward.
Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Tony Kays is vice president of small and medium business sales at Salesforce.