Write This Down

Fast Forward Featured photoThere’s no better way to feel like you’ve gotten things done than by checking them off on your massive “to do” list. Of course, that same list may leave you feeling like a failure if it’s not wrapped up at the end of the day. But there’s more to list-making than just lining up tasks by importance or timeliness. Author Paula Rizzo recommends making six different kinds of lists, each targeted to a specific type of task.

1. A targeted task list

Use this list to tackle only those items you have the time and resources to achieve. It’s okay to focus on big goals here, but break them down into actionable tasks. Write the next day’s list at the end of the day, when you can see ahead to what needs to be done—but not too far ahead. If you miss something that’s important but non-urgent, move it to the next day.

2. An outsource list

Just because something has to be done doesn’t mean it has to be done by you. Managers and executive leaders, especially, benefit from delegating tasks that don’t require a personal touch or their specific fingerprint. Some tasks may require upfront training, but outsourcing them saves time in the end.

3. A long-term goals list

Don’t let the chaos of the daily grind keep you from thinking about the big picture. Writing your long-term goals helps you achieve them. Writing sets the intention and is more likely to make a goal actionable. Create an email or calendar reminder to review your long-term goals periodically, and revise them as needed.

4. A pro-con list

Pro-con lists might seem juvenile on the surface, but weighing the positive and negative aspects of a potentially game-changing decision forces you to examine that decision more closely. Seeing more pros than cons doesn’t tie you to a ‘yes,’ either—or vice versa.

5. A project list

Project lists should detail tasks and pair individuals with those tasks, and they should follow a general timeline of events leading up to the completion of that project. Having project lists helps keep everyone in lockstep, and it helps managers avoid micromanaging.

6. A talking-points list

Create a list of things you want to discuss in a meeting or phone call, so you don’t risk forgetting something. Keep this list handy on your desk, so when things pop in your mind you can jot them down.

Source: Fast Company


Five Minutes With Kelly Truman

Kelly TrumanStandalone emergency rooms continue to pop up across the nation, offering 24-hour access to ER-level care for residents of suburban and even rural areas. Kelly Truman, director of business development for Southlake, Texas-based Complete Emergency Care, shares how she uses promotional products to spread the word about her company’s services.

PPB What are your primary responsibilities?

Truman My responsibilities range from brand awareness, community relations and leading our marketing team, to making sure our communities know that we are here to serve their medical needs 24/7.

PPB With the increase in standalone emergency care facilities, how is your company trying to set itself apart?

Truman Complete Emergency Care believes in grassroots marketing. We believe in offering fair prices for exceptional medical care. What sets us apart from others is our billing practice. We offer transparent billing and no “surprise” bills later. We also have higher numbers of highly qualified staff to ensure our patients receive the best medical care that we would want for our own families.

PPB What kinds of messages do you help share with target audiences?

Truman Our target market is primarily women aged 25 to 55. Women typically make the healthcare decisions for their families, so we like them to know that there is an alternative to their ER experience. They now have the option to come into a clean, kid-friendly, freestanding facility with easy parking, and be offered all the same capabilities as a large hospital. The typical wait time is less than 15 minutes to see an emergency-trained doctor, and our doctors are able to spend more one-on-one time with the patient and listen to their concerns.

PPB What kinds of promotional items are you using, and how are you using them?

Truman We try to stick to practical promotional items: bandage dispensers for purses, gym bags, hot/cold packs for injuries, first-aid kits for home and sports practices, pens, magnets and goodies for kids. We use these items in a variety of ways. We offer some of our smaller items for patients to grab when they are in our facilities. We use a majority of our promotional items at health fairs, school functions, door-to-door marketing and community sponsorships.

PPB What results have you seen from the use of promotional products in your marketing/awareness efforts?

Truman Everyone always has a wonderful reply to our promotional items. Our promo items are things that they will use and not just throw in the trash. People are genuinely grateful for our items and have even mentioned them when they have come in or if we see them again out in the community. Promotional products, along with our other marketing efforts in print, television and radio, have made a significant impact on the growth of our company. In addition, of course, our quality facilities, excellent service and, most importantly, our team of doctors, nurses and caregivers have increased our growth in the areas we serve. In fact, in the past two years we have grown from one facility to 17 in the state of Texas.



Taking History On The Road

ALAMO plate

One of the most inspiring military defeats gave rise to an iconic motto, “Remember the Alamo!” Custom license plate vendor MyPlates commemorated the 180th anniversary of Texas independence with the auction of a one-of-a-kind branded license plate bearing the word ALAMO. The auction ran from February 23 to March 6—the same time period as the Siege of the Alamo.

In addition to the plate’s significance as a vehicular singularity, the winning bidder received rights to legally transfer rights to the ALAMO plate design, either by gifting it to someone or by selling the plate to another driver. The winning bid of $10,250 came from a San Antonio resident. Proceeds from the auction will benefit the Alamo Endowment and the state’s General Revenue Fund.


Fitness App Hooks Shark Tank Investor

sworkit app

markcubanNew fitness apps pop up almost as often as CrossFit boxes, but one has managed to keep from drowning by getting the attention of celebrity investors. Sworkit, a leading provider of personalized video workouts for iOS and Android devices, made Shark Tank history by striking a $1.5-million deal with shark investor Mark Cuban, making it the show’s largest tech deal and third-overall largest deal.

Sworkit, which stands for “simply work it,” is a free, interactive fitness app offering users both customizable and randomized workouts that can be performed anywhere, without any equipment required.

Sworkit CEO Ben Young and COO Gregory Coleman negotiated a deal with Cuban at $1.5 million for 10 percent of their company. The investment will be used to help double the app’s staff and help the company evolve from an app to a full-fledged platform. Sworkit’s leaders say they are planning to launch a web version of the app as well as offering it on Apple TV, Google TV and Roku.


Get Hip To This Year’s Marketing Trends

Don’t get stuck pouring marketing efforts into forms that are no longer fashionable. Keep these trends for 2016 in mind when building your next campaign.

What’s In

One-to-one messaging platforms


Ad-blocking software

All-encompassing digital ads

What’s Out

Broadcast social networks

Video for multiple platforms

Snapchat for real-time marketing

Digital ads on no-fee sites

Calls to action and click-through ads

YouTube brand channels


Auto Ads Get Uber-Sexy Down Under

Brisbane isn’t known as the Sin City of Australia—which is probably why cab companies there don’t permit strip club advertising to be mounted on fleet vehicles. But one Uber driver gave the opportunity a test run and came away with satisfying results.

Uber driver Dee Michaels was approached by the owners of the club, who are friends, when she mentioned to them she’d begun driving for the service. Michaels says when she submitted her vehicle’s photo to Uber staff for approval less than a year ago, the side-panel advertisement for the club was plainly visible and she wasn’t told by the service to remove it, so the ad will remain in place as long as the club owners continue to pay for it.

Source: Mashable