American Solutions for Business (PPAI 101656) recently contributed more than $2,100 for the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life in Glenwood, Minnesota, where the distributor is headquartered. Leading up to the relay on Friday, June 7, the team of ASB employees held several fundraising events that included a company breakfast, bake sales, Memorial and Honorary Name Cards, HOPE calendars, Scratch ‘n Give cards and Luminary Bags. On the evening of the event, the team also held several fundraising efforts at their themed “carnival campsite,” where they sold cotton candy and played carnival games.

Of the ASB team that participated, three team members are cancer survivors, which contributed to much of the passion and commitment that inspired others to join the cause.

“I’m incredibly proud of this group,” says Larry Zavadil, ASB founder and president. “The survivors, family members, friends and colleagues who have joined together to raise money and help make a positive impact perfectly embodies the American spirit and culture. We’re lucky to have them.”