Consumers have specific wants from advertising, and for a significant share of them, it’s just the facts. A study by audience insight provider GWI found that for half (49.7 percent) of U.S. consumers, what they want most from advertising is product information.
The survey found that the desire for product information scored ahead of discounts and special offers (39.9 percent) and entertainment (38.6 percent). Respondents were also looking for ads to educate them (33.3. percent), be relevant (29.2 percent) and make them laugh (28.9 percent). Further down the list were personalized ads (17.8 percent), diverse ads (16.3 percent), raise awareness of social and other issues (16.1 percent), and information on an advertiser’s COVID-19 response (12.3 percent).
GWI’s study also identified what U.S. consumers didn’t want in their advertising. Leading the pack by a significant margin was seeing too many ads at 51.9 percent. This was followed by ads that block content (39.4 percent), ads that aren’t relevant (36.6 percent), ads alongside inappropriate content (31.7 percent) and ads that follow consumers around (28.5 percent). Further down the irritation list are ads that are too targeted (20.3 percent), lack diversity (14.3 percent) and are insensitive to COVID-19 concerns (12.9 percent).