Every once in a while you need a little nudge—a source of inspiration. I had the opportunity to hear Tony Robbins live several years ago, and now when I need that nudge, I turn to the words of this famous fire-walking motivational speaker. I recently listened to his top 10 rules for success. His points are simple. In this issue of Promotional Consultant Today, we share just a few.
1. Raise Your Standards. As Robbins explains, we all have a list of “shoulds.” I should lose weight. I should make more sales calls. He says that when you turn those “shoulds” into “musts” then your standards change. If you “must” make more sales calls to reach your goal, then suddenly your priorities and standards have shifted. Robbins says that the way we frame the things we want to achieve often defines whether or not we will achieve them.
2. Seek True Fulfillment. When people find a task or work that truly makes them feel happy and fulfilled, their power becomes magnified. Be honest with yourself. What truly makes you happy? You alone hold the key to happiness inside yourself; find that key and you’ll be happy regardless of external circumstances.
3. Love Your Customers. Do you love your product, or do you love your customers? Robbins teaches that you must embrace your customers in order to find success. Your customers are the people who make your dreams possible—not your product—and the more you can do for them, the better they will reward you.
4. Add Value. One of the best of Robbins’ top 10 rules for success is this: go above and beyond. To find success, say you’ll deliver by Tuesday and get it done on Monday. Go the extra mile. It’s a principle almost all successful people live by. Add value and get rewarded. If your thought process is only “what’s in it for me,” you are never likely to be successful. However if your focus is on adding value to others’ lives, it’s almost guaranteed your reward will be higher, both financially and, absolutely, emotionally.
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Source: The mission of Fearless Motivation is to empower people to take responsibility for their current circumstances: financially, physically and mentally, and to take action for improving those areas every single day. This website also provides a source for motivational music and videos.