You know when you’re so immersed in a task you enjoy that you lose track of time? Maybe you forget to eat, or you look up and realize hours have gone by. This is called the flow state. It’s what happens when you’re fully engaged in your work, and you get lost in a feeling of energized focus.
Working from a state of flow brings many benefits, from increased creativity to boosted performance. When you’re so locked into a task, you might also be able to produce better work and achieve better results.
Concentration is key to finding your flow. When you want to fully immerse yourself in something, you should be ready to dive into it — not distracted by meetings or emails. A post on the Ink+Volt blog suggests starting by blocking off 30 minutes or 1 hour to get into your zone.
How else can you prepare your mindset and your environment to work in a state of flow? Read on. In this issue of PromoPro Daily, we share some tips from the Ink+Volt blog on simple ways you can enter a flow state.
Prepare your workspace. Clutter can lead to stress and hamper your ability to achieve flow. So, take a few minutes to clear away any paperwork and tidy up your desk. The post suggests you could also turn up some soothing music, light a candle or have a cup of tea as a signal that you want to begin some deep work.
Do something you enjoy. This will differ from person to person. You might feel energized after a run while someone else may enjoy playing the piano or working on a puzzle. Doing an activity you enjoy can help you tap into a flow state, so think about what brings you joy and make time for that activity.
Challenge yourself. The post points out that it’s easier to engage your flow state if you do an activity that is both familiar and challenging. Try to find an activity that won’t be so simple that you’re bored, but not so difficult that you become drained trying to work on it.
Embrace mindfulness. This is a companion to flow state, the post notes, because we feel more attentive and focused when we’re in the middle of something that engages our creativity. You can practice being more mindful by going for a walk and noticing things about your environment. You could also try meditation or making art.
Getting into a flow state can feel elusive at times, but it’s worth pursuing. When everything else seems to fall away, you can feel your best and work at your peak levels.
Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: The Ink+Volt blog. Ink+Volt is a Washington-based lifestyle brand that helps people achieve more success at work and in life.