The PPAI Expo 2022, the promotional products industry’s largest and longest-running trade show, is returning to the Mandalay Bay Convention Center on January 10-13, 2022. It begins with The PPAI Expo Conference, a one-day education event with a curated line-up of impressive and knowledgeable speakers who will expand attendees’ minds and professional toolkits. Speaker, author and veteran hospitality industry executive Simon T. Bailey will get the Conference started with his session, “Become A Breakthrough Thinker.”

Business change is happening at the speed of light, and skills need to be enhanced and evolve continuously in this new landscape. Bailey says that those who will thrive are breakthrough thinkers who embrace five critical skills in a VUCA—Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity—environment and win. His session, “Become a Breakthrough Thinker,” is based on Bailey’s 19 years of experience as an entrepreneur who has worked with 2,000-plus organizations in 50 countries.

Bailey’s framework is based on 30 years of experience in the hospitality industry, including as sales director for Disney Institute, based at Walt Disney World Resort. He is a prolific author and Hall of Fame keynote speaker who has worked with Signet Jewelers, SalesForce, T-Mobile, Stanford Healthcare and Hilton, among others.

Keynote attendees will come away with fresh insights on creativity, a better understanding of developing adaptability as an essential skill and why emotional intelligence gives them a competitive edge, unique ways to collaborate in a fast-paced environment and how to shift from storytelling to “storyselling.”

“Become A Breakthrough Thinker” will be held on Monday, January 10, 2022, at 9–10 am, in Mandalay Bay Ballroom J. For more information on Expo 2022, visit And to register, click here.