Monday, January 11's speakers include (clockwise from top left) Patrick Henry, Melinda Doolittle, Josh Tickell and Casey Gerald. Speakers on Monday, January 11’s include (clockwise from top left) Patrick Henry, Melinda Doolittle, Josh Tickell and Casey Gerald.

On January 11, The PPAI Expo 2016 will introduce audiences to an engaging keynote luncheon speaker and a new and unique approach to general session presentations. The Expo’s general session and keynote presentations deliver diverse and compelling ideas that help audiences grow and expand their businesses, change their outlooks on life and careers, and develop professionally and personally.

The message that keynote luncheon speaker Patrick Henry, a former Nashville songwriter and featured performer on the Sirius XM Radio Family Comedy Channel and Blue Collar Radio, wants his audience to take away with them is: “If you can’t create an emotional connection with your customers,  you’re going to lose them.” During his 75-minute session on Monday, January 11, Henry will share original songs and stories from his book The Pancake Principle: Seventeen Sticky Ways To Make Your Customers FLIP For You, along with real-world examples that show attendees the three mindsets needed to build an extraordinary customer experience.

That afternoon, audiences will be treated to a new take on Expo’s general session, the Power Keynote. During the session, three presenters—Melinda Doolittle, Casey Gerald and Josh Tickell—will give audiences a sneak peek into the focus of their Power Keynote presentations. Audience members can then choose which Power Keynote to attend.

Melinda Doolittle

Mandalay Bay Ballroom F

Melinda Doolittle, 2007 American Idol star, singer, author of Beyond Me: Finding Your Way to Life’s Next Level, and host of TV Line’s “Reality Check,” will draw on lessons from her book during her Power Keynote, “Beyond Me: Finding Your Way to Life’s Next Level.”

Casey Gerald

Mandalay Bay Ballroom J

The co-founder and CEO of MBAs Across America, a national movement of MBAs and entrepreneurs working together to revitalize America, Casey Gerald has emerged as a voice of the Millennial generation for business, entrepreneurship and finding life’s purpose. His Power Keynote will focus on how to “Make a Life, Not Just a Living: Overcome Fear, Harness Failure, and Tap into our True Mission to Solve the Big Problems of our Time.”

Josh Tickell

Mandalay Bay Ballroom H

A film director who specializes in making movies with environmental messages for the 18- to 35-year-old demographic, Josh Tickell’s Power Keynote reveals the secret world of social and psychological triggers that drive this generation. Tickell’s “Secrets Of The Millenials Code,” looks at their values, how they differ from previous generations and how to connect with this generation.

To learn more about The PPAI Expo 2016 and to register, visit