Compliance training. Sounds fun, right? In the healthcare industry, compliance training is absolutely necessary in order to comply with HiPAA regulations and the protection of patient health information (PHI). Yesterday, I found myself sitting through online compliance training and I actually learned some things about compliance that I didn’t know before … and the training was presented in a fun and interesting way.

But even the most skilled, artful and memorable trainers still struggle with how to increase retention of the information they deliver in a single presentation. True retention comes from repetitive exposure and ongoing practice of the skills that are taught, and that is why online training makes sense because it can be repeated as needed, as we discuss in this issue of Promotional Consultant Today.

When companies invest in online training programs, they reap multiple benefits:

1. An opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to the personal progress and growth of your associates in your workplace. Many younger associates will stay longer, work harder and be more committed to companies that help them learn skills that will last a lifetime.

2. The ability to ensure your capabilities keep pace with the current standards of others in the same field. Companies are always competing for the best available talent. However, most recruit the best they can find with the right attitude and then train for skills that are required.

3. Many industries require continuing education credits for employees, and many online training programs qualify for continuing education certification. A continuing education program can lead to increased public confidence in individual professionals and their profession as a whole. When comparing individuals for promotion and new opportunities, those who actively seek professional accreditation have an advantage.++

4. Continuing education programs link employees who have similar job responsibilities. They may also connect employees to programs that help them discover new opportunities available to them within the company. Smart managers continue to communicate this message in their team meetings. Ambitious professionals realize that continuing education is a non-taxable fringe benefit. Employees of companies with multiple locations can study together and consider the friendship and camaraderie an amazing bonus.

5. When you provide employees with access to resources, not only will they feel like they are gaining value from their relationship with their employer, but they will also be empowered to develop their professional skills (e.g., lunch-and-learn programs that also offer continuing education).

6. Employees can access the online training at times and in locations that are convenient and practical for them. As many online programs are very well produced and have a gamified feel to them, employees are more likely to watch on their mobile devices on their own time.

Check out PPAI’s extensive e-learning webinar series here or go to for online learning opportunities in the promotional products industry.

Source: Patricia Fripp is a National Speakers Association Hall of Fame keynote speaker, presentation skills expert and creator of the innovative virtual training on powerful and persuasive presentations. Kiplinger Personal Finance magazine wrote that the sixth best way to invest in your career is to learn presentation skills from Patricia Fripp.