How big is your sales team? A recent Gallup study revealed that managers with fewer direct reports have a greater impact on their team. Adam Hickman, Ph.D., a content manager at Gallup, says that managers can extend their influence by addressing the five 5Cs: common purpose, connection, communication, collaboration and celebration.

We outline Dr. Hickman’s teamwork tactics in this issue of Promotional Consultant Today.

1. Common purpose. Managers have more influence over team culture when all members share the same mission and purpose. To gauge how well that purpose is understood and integrated, Dr. Hickman suggests that managers ask themselves and employees:

  • What positive feedback does the team receive most often? How have the team’s collective strengths contributed to that success?
  • What negative feedback does the team receive most often? What potential talent gaps may contribute to that? How might you use your team members’ talents to help you resolve these issues? What talents can you leverage?
  • What are the team’s performance goals? How does the team identify its goals and objectives?

2. Connection. Teams who relate to one another via their innate talents create productive, engaging cultures on their own. This is true even when some members work remotely, which 43 percent of workers do at least some of the time, so Dr. Hickman recommends asking:

  • What specific actions does this team take to stay connected to one another?
  • When everyone connects, what do they think they’ve accomplished? How much is work related, and how much is social?
  • Who are your team’s cheerleaders? Who can rally everyone together?

3. Communication. Great managers individualize, so they must be able to convey expectations geared to each member and model effective communication in the workplace. But team members need to be able to communicate well without the manager’s input. To that end, consider:

  • How effectively do your team members communicate with each other?
  • Who on your team can ensure that the right information gets to the right people?
  • Where does your team excel in communication? When and where does it stall, and how can you improve it?

4. Collaboration. Dr. Hickman notes that 84 percent of U.S. employees say they are “matrixed” to some extent, which increases pressure on them to cooperate effectively and encourage collaboration in the workplace. Managers need to know:

  • How does your team build and nurture relationships?
  • Does everyone on the team know and appreciate each other’s talents and strengths?
  • What specific actions can you take to create a team culture where everyone recognizes and appreciates each person’s talents and strengths?

5. Celebration. Recognition of an individual’s accomplishments is vital to that employee’s engagement. But teams need to be acknowledged, too—it promotes cohesion and sets a good example for others. So, managers should recall:

  • What are your team’s recent successes?
  • How did you celebrate these successes?
  • How do you publicize and celebrate your team’s talents and strengths?

As a manager, you’re responsible for the performance of your people, whether you’re overseeing a team of two or 200. When your workers are engaged, developing and using their talents every day, you set a foundation for strong teamwork.

Compiled by Audrey Sellers

Source: Adam Hickman, Ph.D., is content manager at Gallup.