The BIG Promotional Trade Show has visited several venues across the UK and Ireland in recent months, beginning in Glasgow, Scotland, on March 6. The most recent show, held at Riverside Venue at London Heathrow on April 10, was the last before the events pick up again in the fall.
Organized on a not-for-profit basis and showcasing many of the industry’s leading companies, the BIG Promotional Trade Shows features up to 60 suppliers of promotional merchandise and services from the UK, Europe and Ireland. The shows attract large numbers of visitors from small independent businesses and big regional distributors to both national and international organizations. The next show is The BIG New Product Trade Show at Manchester United on September 4, which will feature new products released for the fourth-quarter selling period.
Neal Beagles, managing director of Roantree, a marketing agency based in Wycombe, England, says, “The industry needed a mid-season and regional event and these shows fill that brief. The show was an ideal opportunity for us to bring along existing staff and also to introduce our new starters to the industry.”
Exhibitor Simon Adam, managing director of WCM&A, a manufacturer based in the UK, adds: “We are delighted with both the quality and quantity of visitors and have been particularly pleased with the large number of companies who have taken the opportunity to send multiple numbers of staff. Everyone who stopped off at our display was interested and took the time to acquaint themselves with our company and product range.”
At each stop of the show, an exhibitor is awarded for having the most eye-catching stand. At Heathrow, the prize went to aa bags. Gerry Thomas, the show organizer, presented a bottle of champagne to Ashley Abrahamson, the managing director of aa bags.