PPB Best Multi-Line Rep honorees from 2011-2016.
Lisa K. Bennett, LKB Co.
John Bennis, Sequel, Inc.
Bob Black, The Identity Group
Alan Christopher, MAS, DAC Marketing
Robert Collins, Collins & Associates, Inc.
Lee Ellen Coscia, Themco LLC
Mike Dolan, The Identity Group
Matt Eysoldt, Eysoldt Marketing Group, Inc.
K.C. Fields, K.C. Fieds and Associates, Inc.
Tom Flanagan, Flanagan & Associates
Kent Getsee, Preferred Lines
Scott Hareid, Promo-Connections, Inc
Lewie Hunt, The Hunt Group
Vilia Johnson, BrandSource Incentives
Brad Langton, CAS, LPS Langton Promotional Sales
Doug Lenger, Big River Marketing
Jim Maddox, The Maddox Co.
Bryan Mercer, MW Reps
Linda Misiorowski, Linda Misiorowski & Associates
Karin Otterstrom, K O Marketing
Barry Pearson and Mary Beth Pearson, MAS, Pearson Marketing
Paul Rizzo, Preferred Lines Marketing
Tim Rosica, Rosica Marketing
Cory Schroepher, Bridge Marketing
Phil Sibinski, MAS, PJS, Inc.
Jeff Stepp, In Stepp Marketing
Chris Stauffer and Karen Stauffer, Cascade Marketing Group
Rick Tabone, The Identity Group
Todd Turquand, Top Shelf Marketing Group, Inc.
Mike Valentini, Mike Valentini Promotions
Larry Willis, CAS, WesCo Marketing
Rod Williamson, MW Reps