PPAI has promoted Jody Mello to manager of professional development. Mello joined the Association as an associate manager on its professional development team in December 2014, and since then she has played an important role in the expansion of PPAI’s online learning platform and managing the first SPARK program held this past summer. Mello will continue to manage education for Expo East and online learning, and she will further build out the SPARK program.
PPB Newslink recently spoke with Mello on her new position and her expectations for the role.
PPB Newslink: What excites you about your new position within the Association?
Jody Mello: I look forward to working with knowledge experts in and outside the industry to help our members reach their full potential. I am also going to continue to build on the work I have been doing to expand the online education platform with an improved user experience, as well as further developing the SPARK and the Expo East education programs.
PPB Newslink: In your view, how does your position fit within PPAI’s goal of serving its members?
Mello: One of our strategic goals is to drive meaningful member value through increasing engagement. Through our online education platform and our events, I will be supporting that goal to better engage and inform all of the Association’s stakeholders.
PPB Newslink: How will your position grow, expand or change with your promotion?
Mello: I am always interested in the latest trends and technology in events and training programs, and my new position better empowers me to keep our events and online platform at the forefront.
PPB Newslink: Outside of PPAI, what are your interests?
Mello: I am up for anything outdoors. I compete in triathlons, play soccer, hike and mountain bike, and I travel as much as possible.
Mello can be reached at JodyM@ppai.org or 972-258-3026.