The 2018 PPAI Women’s Leadership Conference (WLC), the industry’s premiere event for women planned for June 25-27 in Hollywood, California, offers attendees a full schedule of content-rich education sessions designed to engage and empower women in the promotional products industry. The WLC Grant and the Ros Plummer Scholarship opens the door for select applicants to attend the event.

PPAI has offered the WLC Grant, funded by people and companies in the industry, for several years. The Ros Plummer Scholarship is a new program created in memory of Ros Plummer, a long-time WLC attendee who passed away suddenly in 2017. WLC attendees created the scholarship to honor her memory.

The 2018 WLC Grant recipient is Tammy Cernuska, an account executive with Mississauga, Ontario, distributor Cotton Candy. The inaugural recipient of the Ros Plummer Scholarship is Brienne McAndrews, brand strategy manager at Madison Heights, Michigan, distributor QMI Group.

For more than 13 years, WLC has played a pivotal role in challenging professional women who share a common vision to achieve greater success, by enhancing their personal and professional knowledge through relevant topics, conversations and networking opportunities. To learn more about WLC and to register, click here.