In September, PPAI joined the U.S. Global Value Chain Coalition as one of its founding members. The coalition has been formed to tell the story of the U.S. global value chain by educating policymakers and the public about the role that global value chains play in supporting local economies. Partners include the American Apparel and Footwear Association, the National Retail Federation and many others.

The coalition was established, in part, in response to the proposed Border Adjustment Tax, which was defeated earlier this year. The proposal would have affixed a 20-percent tax on all imported goods and jeopardized the welfare of industries that rely on imported goods.

In October, the coalition released its first report in which it quantified the U.S. contribution of apparel global value chains. Among the findings is that the U.S. value-add in any given imported apparel article averages about 75 percent of the retail value of the final garment. PPAI and its coalition partners maintain that these global supply chains support the U.S. economy and provide stable, well-paid jobs for U.S. workers.

Membership in the coalition is open to industry companies. By joining the coalition, companies will have the opportunity to contribute data to build the next economic study and financially support the work of the coalition. For information, contact Anne Stone, PPAI director of public affairs, at or 972-258-3041. Learn more about the importance of the U.S. Global Value Chain in PPB’s January issue.