New England Promotional Products Association (NEPPA) held “Drive To Thrive – Accelerating Your Business In 2021 And Beyond,” its spring virtual client show, on March 23 in partnership with PromoShow. NEPPA reports that show attendance among distributors and exhibitor booths exceeded the regional association’s Fall Expo.
In a pre‐show video, NEPPA President David Kennealey said, “We’re getting back to business, people are going back to their workplaces … let’s be ready!”
The show offered attendees event kits that featured an array of curated items from supplier sponsors that distributors could purchase for their clients. Each item tied into the Drive to Thrive theme to illustrate what distributors can do for their clients’ virtual events. “Event kit teasers” were posted on social media to ramp up the excitement with sneak-peeks leading up to the show as distributors registered and placed their orders.
Another contributing factor NEPPA attributes to the success of the show was PromoShow’s technology, providing host distributors the opportunity to track and interact with their clients on the show floor. PromoShow’s training videos and webinars supported suppliers’ and distributors’ ability to work the show effectively.
One of the board’s key goals was to ensure that suppliers, distributors and clients benefited from the show. In participant feedback it received, a supplier commented, “I think the show is going great! I have been busy non‐stop since 10:30 [am]. The technology is working well, identifying clients vs. distributors is fantastic!” A distributor shared, “I got a ton of ideas looking at flyers and videos, and it was fun to chat with reps, too! I am going into the spring full of ideas that I wouldn’t have had otherwise!” A distributor who hosted clients at the show says, “I received great feedback from by customers who attended, and I thought the show was easy to navigate.”
Kennealey adds, “We are thrilled with the positive feedback from members on our virtual client show. Shout outs go to our exhibitors, sponsors and distributors for their support and to the NEPPA board and show committee for all of their background efforts in planning the event. This success will propel us to the next step … in‐person events in the near future!”