Are you a good negotiator? It’s one thing when you’re negotiating the cost of a car or other big purchase as a consumer. But what about negotiations in the corporate world? Negotiating deals in B2B sales is more than just hammering out the details of the sale. The actual negotiation can begin long before you sit down with your buyer. According to blogger Garrett Hollander, the better you prepare and qualify your prospect, the easier it will be for you to work through the negotiation process. Follow these B2B negotiation tips in this issue of Promotional Consultant Today.

Educate your buyer. If you present your case properly and engage your customer before negotiations begin, they’ll already have the information they need to go ahead. Not only does providing your value proposition and the details your buyer needs make sense from a practical point of view, the fact that you’ve invested time matters too. Fully prepare your buyer for negotiations by making sure they have everything they need to make a decision first.

Make sure you are talking to the right person. It sounds simple, but you need to make sure the potential buyer you are dealing with actually has the power to seal the deal. If you are not meeting with the person who can actually make the decision, you’re wasting valuable time. Get to the true decision maker prior to the start of your negotiations if you want to strike a truly binding deal.

Deal in person. Meet with your prospect in person. We often invite our prospects to visit us at our home office in Houston. If you communicate via email, phone calls or even text, your buyer has plenty of fast and easy ways to decline. The meeting location doesn’t matter, just taking the time to see your buyer in person can boost your closing rates and figures.

Be ready to give (something) up. Holding something back, whether it is one more percentage point on a discount, free shipping or some other bargaining chip gives you somewhere to go if you have to negotiate. If you have a premium or other item that you can include with a sale at your discretion, keeping it until you need it during the negotiation can save a sale and keep you from giving up something you truly value. Having a preset idea of what you can give up before negotiations even start means you won’t get surprised if your buyer needs you to give a little more to make the sale work.

Make your buyer happy to see you. From forging friendly relationships with buyers to showing up with donuts or bagels when you visit, you’ll find more doors are open for you when your customers think of your visit as a highlight of their day. Cultivating relationships with your buyer’s assistant or support staff is an excellent idea, too; the person sitting at the front desk is a gate keeper you’ll need to pass to meet the decision maker.

Ready for more B2B sales tips? Read PCT, coming to your inbox tomorrow.

Source: Garrett Hollander is the director of content strategy for SalesStaff. He serves the B2B sales and marketing community with premium content, posts and ideas around various topics related to B2B sales. In addition, he manages SalesStaff’s social media presence, building a strong community of like-minded sales and marketing professionals.