Most small businesses have yet to turn to cloud computing, reports Newtek Business Services in its SB Authority Market Sentiment Survey. Newtek, a business service and financial product provider for small- and medium-sized businesses, found that 60 percent of business owners have not yet migrated to the cloud. Furthermore, 60 percent of those surveyed do not currently store their data in a data center.
“The concept of cloud computing is still foreign to many independent business owners,” says Barry Sloane, chairman, president and CEO of Newtek. “Having all hardware, software and data available off-premise 24/7 should and will be a requirement for good business practice going forward.”
Sloane adds, “The cloud for small business reduces the cost of servers, in-house or external labor costs, power costs and bandwidth cost. The cloud is arguably much more secure and, all around, a better solution for business than non-cloud based technology. We hope our small business clients in next year’s survey come around to embrace cloud computing in bigger and more robust ways.”