PPAI leadership and industry professionals from across the U.S. are traveling to Washington, D.C. next week to participate in the PPAI Legislative Education and Action Day (L.E.A.D.). On May 15-16, nearly 80 advocates will conduct more than 300 meetings with senators, representatives and their legislative staffs from all 50 states on Capitol Hill to discuss pending legislation and issues relevant to the promotional products industry.
During L.E.A.D. and throughout Promotional Products Work! Week, thousands of industry professionals will support the work of their colleagues on Capitol Hill by advocating for the issues by writing letters, emails and social media posts as part of the PPAI L.E.A.D. Virtual Fly-In. Each day the fly-in, members will be provided a specific message to share with elected officials to support L.E.A.D.’s efforts in D.C. For more information on participating in the L.E.A.D. Virtual Fly-In, click here.
During their meetings on Capitol Hill, L.E.A.D. advocates will discuss four key areas of focus for the promotional products industry in 2019. These include:
- Supporting the promotional products industry to ensurethe industry remains vibrant and dynamic
- Educating on the benefits of global value chains and the promotional products industry
- Preserving the deductibility of advertising expenditures
- Preserving the independent contractor designation and Section 530 of the Revenue Act
Read more about the visits and get reactions from L.E.A.D. participants in next week’s PPB Newslink. Download PPAI’s 2019 Legislative Agenda here.