This is the third installment in a year-long series of department profiles to help readers learn more about the PPAI staff members who serve them.
The PPAI Regional Relations team is dedicated to supporting the regional association community and works with the volunteer leaders and staff of the 27 individual regional associations that comprise it. The team works to provide tools and templates, technology solutions and individual support as requested. Regional Relations and extended Association staff also offer strategic planning facilitation and education sessions on a variety of industry hot topics. Lastly, the Regional Relations staff works with the Regional Association Council (RAC) to produce the annual Leadership Development Workshop (LDW), a conference that provides regional association leaders with comprehensive training, networking opportunities and peer-to-peer interaction.
Valerie Schenewerk
Regional Relations Assistant
“I like to work crossword puzzles, play Quiddler and Scrabble and am good at unscrambling word jumbles, but can’t work a jigsaw puzzle to save my life.”
Dana Geiger
Regional Relations Manager
“As the child of a career army officer, I lived in five places before the age of five, including Germany and England. Upon return to the States to start first grade, I spoke with a British accent that I wish had survived the move.”
James Khattak is news editor of PPB.