All things being equal, people tend to do business with those they know, like and trust. One of the best ways to get to this point is by telling your story. Prospects have to know who you are before they can decide if they like you and trust you enough to buy from you.

Plus, everyone loves a good story. That’s why Bruna Martinuzzi, founder of Clarion Enterprises, Ltd., says storytelling is one of the most powerful tools in your communication toolkit. Storytelling is useful in all kinds of circumstances, whether you’re looking to secure a first meeting with a prospect or build awareness at an industry event.

Want to get better at telling people about yourself? Read on. In this issue of Promotional Consultant Today, we share Martinuzzi’s top tips for telling more compelling tales.

Tell a simple story. Anything that’s lengthy or too complicated will only cause people to tune out. Martinuzzi says that effective story structure is simple at its core. This means you should tell a simple who, what, when, where and why. And most importantly, tell your tale honestly and from the heart.

Weave in your team members. Unless you’re a solopreneur, you probably work with other people at your company. Make sure you include all the voices in your organization and educate everyone about how they can share the company’s values. Get people excited about telling it, Martinuzzi says.

Know your “why.” What do you hope people do when they hear your story? Do you want them to book a call with you? Take a survey? Go over a proposal? Your story doesn’t necessarily need to inspire action, though. It just needs to have a clear takeaway. Martinuzzi says that a story without a message won’t get you very far in business.

Write first and then edit. It helps to get your story down on paper before rehearsing it aloud. On your first draft, jot down everything that comes into your head. Then revisit your story after a day or so. This is when you can remove any elements or details that don’t help people see your “why.”

Include dialogue. This makes stories more personal, livelier and easier to follow, Martinuzzi says. By working in dialogue, other people are more likely to pay attention to what you’re saying.

Stay social. If you’re active on many social media channels, keep it up. These behind-the-scenes glimpses at your life can be a great way to stay connected with people who may turn out to be buyers. But what if social media isn’t your thing? You might want to give it a second look. Telling stories sometimes is better than never, Martinuzzi says.

Let yourself be vulnerable. Telling stories can help you connect more deeply with others. You can’t do this if you don’t allow yourself to be vulnerable sometimes. Martinuzzi says the stories that pack the most punch are the personal ones. Drop the inflated language and jargon and speak from the heart.

When you get better at telling your story, you give people a view into who you are as individual. Potential buyers get to know more about you beyond just your name and company name. You can be sure you’re telling the most magnetic stories by following the tips above.

Compiled by Audrey Sellers

Source: Bruna Martinuzzi is the founder of Clarion Enterprises Ltd., specializing in presentation skills training and leadership communication coaching. She’s also an author, speaker and presenter.