Many sales professionals grapple with shiny object syndrome. It’s a habit that causes you to get sidetracked by new and exciting tools and ideas rather than focusing on important but perhaps less enticing tasks. Shiny object syndrome can often leave you feeling overwhelmed since you never fully complete your projects.
If you tend to get distracted by new ideas or tools, Celestina Chua, founder of the Personal Excellence blog, has some suggestions on how to stay on track. In this issue of Promotional Consultant Today, we share Chua’s tips for staying focused and avoiding shiny object syndrome.
Recognize that new is not necessarily better. The first step in resisting shiny object syndrome is to understand that what is new is not always better. While you should keep up with the latest trends and updates, learn to discern what is worth pursuing. You do not have to chase after every new tool or idea.
Look past the buzz. There are many bright, shiny objects in the world to distract you. Learn to see past the hype, says Chua. What’s good for another company may not be good for you. Instead of diving headfirst into something new, contemplate how it aligns with your priorities.
Assess the fit. What is new and different may not be a good fit for you, your sales team, or your clients. Before pursuing something new, Chua recommends asking:
- Is this what I really need?
- Will it add value to my work and life?
- What are the pros and cons of doing this?
Manage your distraction sources. Another way to combat shiny object syndrome is to limit all the ways you may be tempted to veer off course. If you are part of groups or if you receive emails that recommend new offerings and new products, you have to deal with the mental load of reading each recommendation and assessing if you should buy it or try it. Evaluate your social media feeds and email subscriptions, advises Chua.
Understand switching costs. Anytime you shift to something new, you pay a price. This could be a monetary cost or a mental cost involved with changing your focus or learning a new system. Chua recommends considering these costs anytime you are enticed by something new.
Try a wait and see approach. Many new ideas and tools do not last and many products that claim to be the best get replaced by new ones. That’s why Chua says it’s a good idea to wait and see if you really need something. Unless you really need that new tool or item now, it’s probably wise to hold off on buying it or switching to it.
If you are constantly distracted by shiny objects, you are limiting your chances of becoming a better sales professional. Instead of jumping into the newest trend and starting over every time something flashy catches your eye, work on becoming the best in your field with the tools and strategies you already have in place.
Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Celestina Chua is the founder of Personal Excellence, a blog where she shares her best advice on how to boost productivity and achieve excellence in life.