In B2B sales, it’s more important than ever to provide unique insights that guide prospects to the right decision. Prospects want more than just a sales pitch – they want a promo expert who understands their challenges and can offer the perfect-fit solutions.

One of the keys to setting yourself apart is asking smart questions and demonstrating your knowledge. In other words, you should prove you belong in high-stakes decision-making.

Anthony Iannarino, a world-renowned sales expert, author and speaker, says that you must show how your competitors have nowhere near your level of knowledge. This can make all the difference in winning over a potential client.

In this issue of PromoPro Daily, we share Iannarino’s guidance on proving you belong in the room with a decision-maker. Read on to learn how to walk away with the prospect’s trust and business.

Size up your first competitor. This person gets the first meeting slot and opens the discussion by talking about the prospect’s company. They ask a variety of closed-ended questions, and the decision-maker answers. Then, Iannarino says, the first salesperson notices the prospect is getting impatient, so they cut to the chase and explain why their solution is best. The decision-maker realizes this sales rep doesn’t belong in the room and thanks them for their time.

Evaluate your second competitor. The second sales rep skips the rapport-building and spends time understanding the prospect’s problem. So far, so good, Iannarino says. The sales rep asks some high-gain questions that help the decision-maker learn something helpful for the future.

Stand out as the third competitor. Here’s where you can shine as a promo expert. You sit down, share some trends and data and ask for the prospect’s perspective. Iannarino says the prospect may lean in and ask some questions about how trends are showing up in other companies. Then, you follow up with some high-gain questions that cause the decision-maker to think about the results they need.

Leverage information disparity to win deals. This is the most powerful of all sales strategies, according to Iannarino, because it allows you to create value for your contacts within the sales conversations. A prospect has no reason to buy from sales reps who don’t present themselves as experts or authorities. It’s critical to provide your prospects with deep insights and lead them through their decisions.

The next time you’re in front of a decision-maker, remember that it’s not about selling your promo solution. Instead, strive to show how you can help them make the right decision for their business. Demonstrate how you’re a promo pro and a true consultant.

Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Anthony Iannarino is a bestselling author and internationally recognized speaker on sales, success, personal development, leadership and entrepreneurship. He’s the founder of B2B Sales Coach & Consultancy, a boutique sales coaching and consulting firm.