No leader wants to see wasted talent on their team. It’s frustrating when you know someone can excel in their role, but for some reason, they continue to fall short. If employees continue to squander their skills, it’s not doing anything for them or your business.

So, what do you do? Find ways to tap into their unused potential.

Vinita Bansal, the founder of TechTello, says she regularly follows four practices to help her team members rise higher. Keep reading this issue of PromoPro Daily for her guidance on how to help employees do more than they ever thought possible.

Help them overcome their self-doubts. When people don’t feel capable at work, they’re often not going to use all their talents. They may not take on challenging work because they feel they won’t meet expectations. Or, they may procrastinate and think that even their best effort is not good enough. Bansal says when you see a smart, high-potential person who doesn’t see themselves that same way, you should step in. Try sharing your own insecurities and then talk about their strengths and skills they’ve used in the past.

Give them action-oriented feedback. If you’ve been giving a lot of feedback but your employees still aren’t reaching their potential, the problem is probably in how you’re providing feedback. If you provide vague feedback, it can often leave employees feeling confused and misaligned. Make sure you’re clear when giving feedback. This can help employees repeat successful actions and stop what isn’t working.

Take a pulse of their motivation. Many different factors can influence someone’s motivation. They could be going through a difficult time at home or working with a client or colleague that’s causing them stress. The good thing about motivation, Bansal says, is that it’s temporary and completely within the employee’s control. Talk to your team members about what’s hurting their motivation. Be curious and don’t assume you know how they’re feeling.

Look inward to your own behaviors and actions. Maybe your employees are performing at their highest level, but you don’t treat everyone in an unbiased way. Bansal recommends thinking about how you come across to others and how they perceive you. Are you fair and unbiased in how you treat your team members? Remember that good management uplifts people and helps them shine, Bansal says. Bad management pulls them down and keeps them from growing.

Try implementing the ideas above to help your employees grow and develop in their careers. They just might turn out to be your promo company’s future leaders.   

Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Vinita Bansal is the founder of TechTello.