If you want to elevate your status among your clients, you must first elevate your presence. This means showing up with confidence, demonstrating your promo knowledge and always looking for ways to add value to your clients.
According to Anthony Iannarino, an internationally renowned sales expert, those who have high status in B2B sales differ in many ways from their lower-status competitors. He says clients can pick up clues on whether a salesperson’s status is low based on how they carry themselves, the things they talk about and how they try to build rapport.
High-status sales reps project their high status in everything they do – and don’t do. They know how to offer their promo expertise while avoiding anything that may cause prospects to doubt their recommendations.
So, how can you elevate your status as a sales pro? Read on. We share Iannarino’s top tips in this issue of PromoPro Daily.
Be smart about building rapport. There are many topics you could cover when establishing a business relationship, from the weather to local sports teams. But as Iannarino points out, businesspeople talk about business. When you’re building rapport, focus on business. He says this high-status approach can help you win the deal, and over time, build relationships that low-status sales reps are missing.
Display confidence. When you feel confident in your abilities and your promo acumen, your prospects will sense that and feel confident about working with you. You should also have a genuine belief in your company and your solutions. Know what you can offer and encourage prospects to ask as many questions as they like. You show confidence when you’re not afraid to be put in the hot seat.
Show an understanding of their industry. High-status sales reps have a deep understanding of their prospect’s field. They know that the challenges facing someone in the real estate industry differ from someone working in higher education. Knowing these challenges can elevate a salesperson’s status, Iannarino says.
Talk about models. Don’t just talk about promo solutions – discuss business models. Iannarino says this indicates a high level of knowledge and experience.
Lead the prospect. Iannarino recommends guiding prospects through decisions as if they were your own. You can enhance your status as a sales professional by transferring your knowledge and experience.
If your clients currently view you as a respected promo expert, protect your solid reputation. And if you want to elevate your status, work on the points mentioned above.
Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Anthony Iannarino is the founder of B2B Sales Coach & Consultancy, a boutique sales coaching and consulting firm. He’s also a best-selling author and internationally recognized speaker.