When you think about what makes you feel special and valued, what comes to mind? Chances are you can relate to what Dr. Gary Chapman calls love languages. In his best-selling book, The 5 Love Languages, Dr. Chapman explains that love languages include words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, acts of service and receiving gifts.
While these love languages apply to romantic relationships, they also apply in the workplace with your professional relationships. When you know how someone else likes to receive recognition or be celebrated, for example, you can affirm them in their preferred way, says Lauren Moon, an author for the Trello blog.
In this issue of Promotional Consultant Today, we share Moon’s thoughts on how to apply the five love languages to improve your work relationships.
Words of affirmation. Do your sales reps like a lot of fanfare or do they prefer smaller gestures to recognize a job well done? Moon says you can strive to recognize them in a way that means the most to them, whether that’s giving them a shout-out in a team meeting or sending them a handwritten note of gratitude. Be generous with your praise, because it goes a long way at improving motivation and morale, Moon adds.
Quality time. In the workplace, quality time does not necessarily mean hanging out socially with your team members. You can show your appreciation for your sales reps and colleagues by making time for their projects and understanding their goals, says Moon. Look for ways to discuss things not related to work and make a point to ask your sales reps about their personal interests. This goes a long way at building a collaborative culture.
Receiving gifts. Everyone likes receiving thoughtful gifts. In the workplace, you can apply this love language in various ways, whether it’s celebrating a birthday or milestone with cupcakes or giving a sales rep a gift card for going above and beyond. Moon says you can also look at ways to expand your employee perks. This could mean covering employee gym memberships or treating them to a special meal delivered to their home.
Acts of service. Does someone on your team always jump in to help? Moon says people who go the extra mile often speak the “acts of service” love language. They feel valued when others lend a hand, whether that’s helping them with a difficult client proposal or taking some extra work off their plate. Jumping in the trenches to help someone is always a great way to serve.
Touch (read: empathy). This love language needs a little tweaking for work, so consider equating it to empathy. Moon points out that demonstrating empathy in the workplace is vital in creating a culture where employees feel seen and valued. You can demonstrate empathy in all kinds of ways, from taking time to listen to a colleague who is struggling with something, to rescheduling a meeting so a sales rep doesn’t miss an important family event.
Understanding love languages can help you better connect with and support your team members. You don’t need candygrams or roses to show your colleagues and sales reps how much you appreciate them. Instead, think about what speaks to their heart and share the love.
Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Lauren Moon is an author for the Trello blog.