Promotional products companies in the European market report sales up by an average of 5.2 percent in 2017. The Industry Barometer, conducted by the organizers of Europe’s largest industry trade show, The PSI Show, surveyed companies across Europe, and found that the outlook was similarly positive for 2018—on average, those polled expect sales to grow 5.3 percent this year.
PSI’s survey found that the use of electronic and multimedia promotional products, apparel, products for school and office supplies as well as lifestyle products proved especially successful in 2017. Innovative products, as well as durable, high-end and sustainable promotional products, grew in demand last year. Looking ahead, the survey found that Europe’s promotional products companies expect the automotive, financial, retail, construction and tourism sectors to lead 2018’s potential sales growth.
Companies surveyed also highlighted sustainability as part of their planning—50 percent of the companies PSI spoke with consider sustainability a key theme. In 2017, 35 percent undertook concrete measures to certify and/or obtain certification of their sustainable activities—the share rises to 50 percent among supplier companies—and companies polled can submit certificates or other proof of sustainability for approximately 36 percent of their goods.