In a study of 250,000 adults, Morning Consult, an online survey and market research firm, has compiled a list of the most-loved brands in America. Ranked by net favorability—favorability minus unfavorability—Google tops the list with a net favorability of 78.7.
Brands joining Google in the top 10 include Hershey’s (net favorability 78.6), Pillsbury (76.1), Amazon (76), UPS (76), Kellogg’s (75.9), Sony (75), Betty Crocker (74.1), YouTube (73.8) and Campbell Soup (72.9). The company also identified how brands stood out among certain demographics such as young adults, financial elites, gender and community type—urban, rural and suburban. For example, among young adults, Starbucks’ net favorability was 13.7 points above its net favorability among the general public.
Morning Consult created its ranking through 250,000 interviews with U.S. adults to create an in-depth view of companies, organizations and brands. The final rankings were determined using online surveys among a national sample. Between 2,500 and 50,000 adults rated each of the 1,000 companies in the study. Morning Consults reports a maximum margin of error of two percent for any given brand.
For more on the results of the Most Loved Brands study, click here.