I recently started a weight loss journey. In fact, I’m one of 45 million Americans who diet each year, according to a study by the Boston Medical Center, and hopefully, I won’t be one of the 95 percent who fail their diets.
Why am I dieting? Because I felt stuck. The number on the scale was stuck. I was stuck in taking action to take care of myself.
How about you? Whether it’s your weight, your relationships or your job, is there a moment where you’ve felt stuck? Most likely, yes. In this issue of Promotional Consultant Today, we share these tips on how to get you out of that rut.
1. Admit that you are stuck. Alcoholics Anonymous states that the first step to overcome alcoholism is to admit that you’re an alcoholic. When you feel stuck in life, this is the first step as well—admit that you are stuck.
If you feel stuck in developing your career or getting to that next level in your organization, then admit it to yourself. Don’t blame others for lack of inaction; look at yourself and admit that perhaps something needs to change in order for you to not be overlooked for that next promotion.
2. Mind over matter. Getting unstuck is as much a mental task as a physical one. You have to be in the right mindset to achieve your goal.
One of my favorite quotes is from business guru Anthony Robbins who says, “Emotion equals motion.” In other words, if you are passionate about a goal and if you are mentally ready, that emotion will lead to action steps—and suddenly you’re no longer stuck. If you need to develop a business plan for that next product launch and you’re stuck, think about what excites you about your product’s possibilities. What are the market’s misconceptions? Then, you know what action you need to take to overcome those misconceptions.
3. Solicit help. By the way, you don’t have to tackle this alone. Look around you and get help. Fast! When I was stuck on that number on the scale, I turned to my doctor. He gave me motivation and a few key steps to kick-start my metabolism.
You can solicit guidance as well. It doesn’t require an Anthony Robbins-walk-across-hot-coals-in-your-bare-feet-type of rally cry. Ask a mentor. Look to other organizations with similar challenges. Turn to your social media contacts. LinkedIn professional groups are a great resource for bouncing off ideas and soliciting advice.
4. Be accountable to someone. When you solicit help, you also have the opportunity to build accountability with that person. Simply put, we all tend to be driven by peer pressure. When you share your goal with others, you feel the need to take the right steps and prove your success.
With these steps, don’t think of yourself as “stuck.” Instead, get in the right mindset. Take action. Create motion. Achieve your goals.
Source: Cassandra Johnson is a tech-savvy marketing communications consultant and freelance writer. She reports on the latest trends in the promotional products industry, public relations, direct marketing, e-marketing and more. She supports clients in a variety of industries, including promotional products, hospitality, financial services and technology.