Psychology is closely intertwined with sales. The most successful salespeople don’t push their products and services and tout all their features and benefits — they seek to understand their prospects’ needs and what motivates them to buy.
Marc Wayshak, a bestselling author and the sales strategist behind Sales Insights Lab, says that up until recently, most sales training didn’t focus on science or data. That’s not the case anymore. In this issue of PromoPro Daily, we discuss Wayshak’s thoughts on the data and science behind the psychology of selling. Read on to learn the psychology-backed sales strategies that work today.
Don’t lead with features. People don’t care about the features of whatever you’re offering. Wayshak says the latest data on the psychology of selling shows that salespeople who start conversations with features are much less likely to close the deal. Instead, try to understand what’s happening in your prospect’s world. Uncover their biggest challenges and how your solutions can solve those challenges.
Engage in some back and forth. Have a conversation with prospects. Think of it like a ping-pong match, Wayshak says. Ask lots of questions to keep a continual back-and-forth dialogue.
Take it slow. While they have more back and forth, Wayshak says conversations by top-performing salespeople are also much slower in terms of actual pace. The most recent data on the psychology of selling shows that top performers’ prospects speak fewer words per minute, and top salespeople speak fewer words per minute, too. Aim to slow everything down a bit.
Understand that half aren’t a fit. Simply knowing this can change the psychology of how you sell. Wayshak says salespeople usually think they need to close every single person they meet with. This affects their thinking. Remember that the goal of the conversation is not to close every single person but to determine whether that person is a fit for what you offer.
Think of sales like a video game. These days, video games consist of people from around the world logging onto the internet and interacting in the same online platform to engage back and forth, Wayshak says. Even if things don’t work out or they go terribly awry, the other person isn’t going to track you down and yell at you. It’s just a game. And when you get in the mindset that sales is a game, you lose all the pressure of perfection.
Enjoy the process. If you enjoy the process, your prospects will, too. Wayshak suggests engaging in conversations with genuine interest. Prospects are people just like you. They want to be heard, so listen well and get to know them.
Just relax. When your voice shakes or your forehead starts to sweat, your prospects know you’re nervous. How can you put your mind at ease? Wayshak says remember that it’s just a game. You don’t have to close any specific deal — you’re just talking with someone.
By following the psychology when it comes to sales, you can begin to relate better to your clients and close more deals. Consider the points above to factor in psychology in your interactions with prospects and clients.
Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Marc Wayshak is a sales strategist and bestselling author. He’s also a sales keynote speaker who has trained thousands of salespeople across the globe.