You may have heard about workcations or even gone on a few yourself. Like it sounds, a workcation combines a vacation with working. On a workcation, you travel somewhere fun and bring your work with you. This allows you to get a change of scenery from your usual workplace and enjoy some relaxation or recreation in a different location. And since you have your laptop and devices with you, you don’t have to worry about falling behind at work.
With summer on the horizon, now is a good time to think about planning a workcation. Not quite sold on the idea? Read on. In this issue of Promotional Consultant Today, we share insight from Alex Trembath, co-founder of Career Gappers, on why workcations are a great idea.
1. You don’t need to use your PTO. In this era of remote working, you can work from anywhere with an internet connection. On a workcation, you can head to the beach, the mountains or some far-flung destination you’ve never seen, and you don’t have to take time off. That’s one reason workcations are so great, says Trembath.
2. You can keep up with work. If you or your sales reps take a workcation, your clients don’t even have to know you’re away. On a workcation, your workflow isn’t disrupted like it would be if you took a typical vacation and signed off for days or weeks at a time. Trembath says workcations are so great because you can see new destinations without worrying about all the work that’s piling up while you’re away.
3. You can improve your productivity. You might wonder how lounging at a sunny beach resort could make you more productive, but Trembath says a change of working environment can be just the ticket to improve your headspace. By balancing your time between purposeful work and valuable downtime, you can restore your attention and boost your productivity.
4. You can gain a different perspective. Another reason workcations are so beneficial, according to Trembath, is that they help with big-picture thinking. By stepping away from your daily working environment, you can see ideas and challenges in a different way. This new perspective may allow you to solve problems and generate new ideas. If you want to focus on strategic planning or creative work, you may get your best results on a workcation.
5. You feel refreshed and recharged. Just like a true vacation, workcations can often leave you feeling invigorated and ready to tackle your work. Taking some time to go somewhere new or return to a favorite destination allows you to clear your head and reap the benefits of taking a vacation. This means when you’re back in the office, you’ll feel energized and renewed.
When it comes to workcations, the benefits quickly add up. Just be sure to time your workcation appropriately, both in terms of your workload and the destination you plan to visit. It also helps to keep your colleagues updated on your intentions, so they know when you are fully offline during certain hours of the day or if you intend to work regular hours. Whether you get away for a few days, a few weeks or a longer stretch of time, a workcation can be a great way to shake up your routine.
Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Alex Trembath is the co-founder and chief blogger at Career Gappers.