Advertising Arithmetic
Publishers woo advertisers with in-depth reader metrics, money-back guarantees
Advertisers want only one thing from the space they purchase in print publications: business. Even internet giant Google thought enough of print ads to spend roughly $1 million on them in 2012. But once an issue is out and in the hands of readers, how is an advertiser to know for sure whether any new or repeat business has come as a result of a particular ad?
Publishers are eager to keep page counts up, and some have begun making what might seem like a pie-in-the-sky promise: to go beyond offering conversion rates and track reader engagement via website visits, coupon redemption and product purchases. Some of these deals are even coming with a guarantee: if ROI doesn’t meet a pre-set standard, ads run free of charge.
To boost the ROI of advertising, publishers suggest incorporating one or more of these elements into a print campaign:
–Include a call to action. Contests and giveaways, particularly those that offer tech products, are highly motivating.
–Offer solutions. B2B clients seek solutions to their challenges, and products such as sales ideas and tips, or white papers, can be the link that connects potential customers to your business.
– Follow up on leads within one week. Research has revealed that connections with up to 90 percent of clients who respond to ads are lost if they aren’t contacted in that time.