Upcoming installments of PPAI’s webinar series examine the importance of social responsibility and revisit highlights from the inaugural SPARK conference, among other subjects. The Association’s education schedule features a wide range of ideas, updates and other topics important to promotional products industry practitioners.
Upcoming webinars in September include:
Social Responsibility: Why Should We Care?
September 13, 1 pm CT
SPARK 2017: Making Your Mark!
September 14, 1 pm CT
Code of Conduct Adoption And Implementation: Challenges And Opportunities
September 27, 1 pm CT
SPARK 2017: The M Word In Real Life
September 29, 1 pm CT
Technology: Know The Rules And Dangers When Transporting Electronics 2017
October 4, 1 pm CT
PPAI’s live and on-demand webinars enable industry professionals to continue their professional development anywhere, any time.