PPAI is celebrating Advertising Week, the annual, multi-faceted event taking place that took place this week in New York City, with a look at the details behind another one of this year’s winning Pyramid Award campaigns, this time in the Not For Profit Programs category. On Tuesday, details for the winning campaign in the Diversity, Social Responsibility Or Multi-Cultural Program category were revealed.
The PPAI Pyramid Awards are designed to recognize excellence in five areas of competition, including Client Programs which honor industry distributors for their creative use of promotional products in a variety of client programs and campaigns. Not For Profit Programs is one of 11 categories in the Client Programs competition; it is designed to increase activities specific to volunteering, fundraising or donation/donor programs.
One of this year’s winners in the category was Amplified Image Marketing, an Omaha, Nebraska-based distributor that worked with its client to create kits to make breast cancer survivors more comfortable during treatment and recovery. Read about this award-winning campaign and see more on this year’s Pyramid-winning campaigns here.
Learn more about the PPAI Pyramid Award competition here.